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SQL - LIKE Operator

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  • The LIKE operator is used to select the list of records based on the given specified pattern.
  • There are two wildcard characters used with this LIKE operator.
  • The wildcard characters are:
    • Percentage(%) --- represents zero ,one or multiple characters
    • Underscore( _ )--- represents one or a single character.
    • Sometimes both symbols are used in combination.


    SELECT Column-name FROM Table-name
    WHERE Column-name LIKE  pattern;


    Below is the demo student table from the Collegedb database.

    mysql> select * from student;
    | RollNo | Name    | Age  | City      |
    |      1 | Aruna   |   18 | Chennai   |
    |      2 | Varun   |   19 | Bangalore |
    |      3 | Ara     |   19 | Kerala    |
    |      4 | Markdin |   18 | Mumbai    |
    |      5 | Kannan  |   20 | Kerala    |
    |      6 | Kanika  |   18 | Chennai   |
    |      7 | Jose    |   19 | Kerala    |
    7 rows in set (0.29 sec)

    Following are showing the possible combination of pattern form written in the WHERE clause with examples.

    ExpressionMeaningQuery Statement
    WHERE Name LIKE ‘ %a ’list all the records that end with “ a ”
    	mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE Name LIKE '%a';
    	| RollNo | Name   | Age  | City    |
    	|      1 | Aruna  |   18 | Chennai |
    	|      3 | Ara    |   19 | Kerala  |
    	|      6 | Kanika |   18 | Chennai |
    	3 rows in set (0.08 sec)
    WHERE Name LIKE ‘ a% ’list all the records that start with “ a ”
    	mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE Name LIKE 'a%';
    	| RollNo | Name  | Age  | City    |
    	|      1 | Aruna |   18 | Chennai |
    	|      3 | Ara   |   19 | Kerala  |
    	2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    WHERE Name LIKE ‘ %ar% ’list all the records that have “ ar ”in any position
    	mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE Name LIKE '%ar%';
    	| RollNo | Name    | Age  | City      |
    	|      1 | Aruna   |   18 | Chennai   |
    	|      2 | Varun   |   19 | Bangalore |
    	|      3 | Ara     |   19 | Kerala    |
    	|      4 | Markdin |   18 | Mumbai    |
    	4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    WHERE student-name LIKE ‘ a_% ’list all the records that have start with “ a ” and are having at least 2 characters in length.
    	mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE Name LIKE 'a_%';
    	| RollNo | Name  | Age  | City    |
    	|      1 | Aruna |   18 | Chennai |
    	|      3 | Ara   |   19 | Kerala  |
    	2 rows in set (0.03 sec)
    WHERE student-name LIKE ‘ _a% ’list all the records that have “ a ” character in the second position
    	mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE Name LIKE '_a%';
    	| RollNo | Name    | Age  | City      |
    	|      2 | Varun   |   19 | Bangalore |
    	|      4 | Markdin |   18 | Mumbai    |
    	|      5 | Kannan  |   20 | Kerala    |
    	|      6 | Kanika  |   18 | Chennai   |
    	4 rows in set (0.13 sec)
    WHERE student-name LIKE ‘ k%a ’list all the records that have start with “ k ” and end with “ a ”
    	mysql> SELECT * FROM student WHERE Name LIKE 'k%a';
    	| RollNo | Name   | Age  | City    |
    	|      6 | Kanika |   18 | Chennai |
    	1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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